New for 2015: The latest in “Food found only at the Fair”
Here is the description:
Take a burger patty and deep fry it (well, duh); Top it with deep-fried bacon and then garnish it with some cheddar cheese and deep-fried pickles. If you’re in Fair mode, so far it’s not TOO over the top. But here’s the kicker: Put all of that between two grilled cheese sandwiches. Whaaaa? I know it’s the Fair and anything goes but I cannot even imagine attempting to eat this colossal cardiologist’s nightmare.
Deep fried oreos, snickers or twix – I say bring it! Deep fried butter – not a chance. And the burger described above? Well, from the suburbs of Syracuse in July, I say NO. WAY. However, come late August/early September when I’m strolling the foodie aisles of the Fair, I will perhaps feel obligated to try it. How else will I be able to describe the experience accurately on my blog? So, I suppose I might be willing to take one for the team 🙂
Here’s a preview of the latest Fried Fair Food!
Friend? or Foe?
(photo courtesy of