200 Lifetime Passes to the Great NYS Fair – Sold out in minutes!

Monday, May 14, 2018.  So this morning, as expected, I set my alarm for 5:45am.  I hardly slept a wink anticipating the alarm, similar to when I have to catch an early flight.  I got up, went downstairs and hopped on my laptop.  I watched the etix count down to buy NYS Fair Lifetime Passes finally hit zero seconds and was giddy as the the page loaded instantly!  I claimed my lifetime pass, then nervously started typing in my name and payment information.  Lo and behold, my 19 year old son appears in the room out of nowhere and says Hey Mom!  Whatcha doing?  In the last 10+ years I can count on my elbow how many times this child has gotten up at this hour willingly. Seriously??!  I held up my hand and said “Not now!”  lol.  Despite the surprise distraction, I GOT MY LIFETIME PASS without a hitch!

For some it may seem silly to get so excited about this.  But I don’t care – I’m happy!  It’s my guilty pleasure.  I love everything about the Fair – and I’m not afraid to admit it. @nysfair #NYSFair #lifetimepass
